Gavin Langenfeld’s Work Log
1/24/2025 To do List: Learn how to program the Nucleo development board Program the board to read SD cards Program something onto and SD card for the Nucleo to read…
1/24/2025 To do List: Learn how to program the Nucleo development board Program the board to read SD cards Program something onto and SD card for the Nucleo to read…
Week 10 Work Report (Project Update 8) Subtitle: You Must Fail To Become Stronger What I Have Been Able To Complete This Week I got upset and bullied my way…
week 2 update Creating my To Do list: organize my goals Simple single cell BMS Under & Over current protection Fault protection Step-up Battery level monitoring Thermistor PMIC Unpluggable battery…
N0oB About Me Projects IRL Subtitles aka augmented reality glasses
Update 02 After discussing with my team, my plan for the coming week is to further design the casing and measurement selection for the multimeter. This will continue to be…
Week 10 Update Last Weeks Progress: Created and presented a presentation at Thursday's meeting Made significant changes/improvements to the box model Todo List: Finish implementing changes Print models Test prototype…
TODO Box model should be printing by the end of the week Week 8 Box model includes ridge, standoffs, and is fully parameterized Week 7 Basic CAD model of the…