Week 6 Update
Last Weeks Progress:
- CDR Complete
- Tested bearings
- Tested Filament Splitter
- CAD Progress
Todo List:
- Make a more accurate box model
- N/A
Week 5 Update
Last Weeks Progress:
- The roll selector is done, the bearings are done, and we have an idea of what motor we want to use, but haven’t finalized it, for the time being, the CAD model is setup to adapt to a stepper motor. I designed an adaptable plate for mounting rolls to and worked on the filament splitter. Also, made pretty renders 🙂
Todo List:
- Reduce part complexity of current filament splitter
- Design filament splitter
- Test strength of 3D-printed threads
- Integrate into the rest of the design
- N/A

Week 4 Update
Last week’s progress:
- I forgot about the presentation in my time management, I spent most of my enterprise-allocated time working on the presentation, and didn’t make as much progress as I had hoped. The previous to-do list still stands, but I checked off optimizing the motor mount and reducing the filament splitter part complexity.
Week 3 update
What I did last week:
- Received CAD models from the previous semester
- I took the model apart, to better understand how the existing system works
- Began redesigning the roll selector

My to-do list for the next week:
- Optimize the roll selector for 3D printing
- Finish the bearing system
- Decide which motor we want to use
- Design motor mount
- Re-design mockup of box
- Design an adaptable plate to mount rolls to
- Begin looking into potential improvements to the filament splitter
- Reduce filament splitter part complexity
I don’t really have any, but I guess making sure I have time to do my best CAD work.