Not a lot was able to get completed this week with having cdr presentation. We were able to set up a time with our sponsor for both running tests with the turbidity sensor and a run through of the procedure used to find the tuning constants for the PID. With all of that here is the continued list for the week.
- Write out pseudocode for autotune
- Write actual code for autotune
- Implement and test code on bioreactor
- Wire Estop
- implement Estop

This week I was able to get a good understanding on how the PID control will work and what steps are needed to continue. From my understanding the PID works like this:
R is the target temperature and Y is the read temperature from the thermocouple. We use this data to then calculate the error between the two(E) and multiply it by out proportional gain(kp), then add it to the product of our running sum error and integral gain(ki). This gives us our control signal that then needs to be converted into something the heaters can use to increase or decrease the temperature of the tank. The way we get our kp and ki is through manually tuning the system. This is the tricky part that we are working on automating. We were able to draft up some very rough code.
In the coming week I hope to figure out and understand the process that the sponsors use to calculate the kp and ki so that it can properly be implemented into the code.
TODO Review and Next Weeks
Being brutally honest the todo list for this week was very vague as I had no idea on what I was doing or an understand of the process. Going into this week I have a lot better understanding on what’s going on and what needs to happen. That being said the fallowing is what I want to get done in the fallowing week:
- Read through report of the reactor to find process of manual tuning
- If not reach out to Daniel
- Write out pseudocode for autotune
- Write actual code for autotune
- Implement and test code on bioreactor
- Wire Estop
- implement Estop
This week I started to get a grasp at PID autotuning and how its supposed to function. In the beginning of the we I had just taken a look at what PID’s were and how to auto tune them. By Thursday we had throw together some slides to present our project to the rest of OSHE, by then we had figured out there there were two good ways of doing the autotune those being the Ziegler-Nicholas and Tyreus Luyben methods.
On Friday we met with Daniel to do a water run of the bio reactor where we got to observe how all the moving parts work. He also told us that they have designed a autotune using the Ziegler-Nicholas method and was sending us his work so we can implement it into code and possibly test if we are given tap access for the lab. My only concern moving into next week is figuring out the coding language for the system.

TODO for week 4
- Get tuning algorithm for PID from sponsor.
- Implement tuning algorithm into code. (possible testing depending on lab access)
- Research how to calibrate thermocouples.
This week we met with sponsors to see what they wanted us to try and complete over the semester. After that we designed our project specs around those requests.