Progress Update 4
- Presented at CDR
To do
- Look into recommendations from CDR
- Work on button input to trigger RP2040 to send a MIDI message
- PCBs for MIDI ports
Progress Update 3

- Changed code to properly send MIDI messages
- Confirmed correct message transmission by viewing data on oscilloscope
- Researched more on MIDI messages
To do
- Work on transmitting and receiving MIDI data between controllers
- Research proper messaging for footswitch
Progress Update 2
- Set up Arduino IDE to code on the RP2040
- Developed test code for outputting MIDI messages
- Code will loop through MIDI messages that have a note on command, note, and velocity data. The same message will then be sent but with the note off command instead of note on.
- Sends messages at 31,250 baud rate
To do
- Connect board to oscilloscope and confirm it sends the correct messages
- After testing on oscilloscope, test a button input will send a message
- Research other MIDI message types
Project Update 1
Project sketch:

To do:
- Set up the board for MIDI communication
- Complete circuit for MIDI out port
- Develop code for testing communication