OSHE Spring 2025: Project Update 1
Figure 1: Concept Sketch for End of Semester
Note: Visual Sensor will be programmed to detect the relative shape of deer using open computer vision library for python. The system will use a multitude of reference images to identify a deer. Upon successfully detecting a deer the sensor will communicate with the Pi to activate the speakers to produce a deterrent.
TO DO List
- Research Python coding language
- Research Computer Vision Library and YOLO (You Only Look Once)
- Order necessary components for detection system
- Get access to previous BAD (Bird Attractant and Deterrent) Folder
- Look at prior schematics
- Analyze current python code for system
- Get in contact with previous computer engineers from BAD last semester
- Look into KiCAD software and PCB design
- Look into flexible solar panels
- Set proper routine for team meetings
- Finding a time each team member is fully available to meet routinely
- Learning python and the CV library
OSHE Week 4 Update
Completed Tasks
- Research vacuum chamber components
- Research examples of E-STOP
- Research filament manufacturing
- Discuss potential safety issues with current extrusion design
- Meet with team sponsor
- Discuss with BREAD and Open Mobility about Rewind Unit and Vacuum Unit
- Acquire certification for soldering
- Discuss with team specific components still needed for Vacuum Unit
- N/A
OSHE Week 3 Update
To Do List
- Begin developing ideas and designs for vacuum chamber and safety measures
- Research vacuum chamber functionality and component requirements
- Review current E-STOP for Recyclebot
- Research examples of E-STOPs for redesign
- Continue creating BOM
- Discuss with team current designs for the main units and potential hazards with the design
- Research safety precautions for discussed hazards
- Research how filament is currently manufacture to compare to Recyclebot
- Specifically how filament is cooled and wound onto spools
- Construct drawings and schematics for vacuum chamber
- Acquire certification for soldering in OSHE Lab
Concerns for Next Week
- Finding time to discuss with full team about plans moving forward
- Breaking the vacuum unit into different components to be discussed
My Sketch of Recyclebot Design