Peter Kocour’s Work Log

  • Post author:
  • Post last modified:September 13, 2024
  • Reading time:5 mins read
  • Post category:Work Logs

WEEK 3 UPDATE – Project Update 1

Image Above: Rough sketch of expected final project design as well as general schematic/layout for buck converter.

To-Do List for Week 4

  • OVERALL GOAL: Finish both 5 volt and 3.3 volt schematics, part selection, board layout design, and preparation for board manufacturing.
  • Schematic Sub Goal – Alter my current schematic to step down from 12 volts to 5 volts instead of the step down to 2.5 volts, to do so I must:
    • Alter resistor 1 to set the buck converter IC to convert 12 volts down to 5 volts instead of the initial design that follows the datasheets typical application of 2.5 volts.
    • Utilize Texas Instruments provided Excel calculator to assign the typical input voltage of 12 volts and the wanted output of 5 volts and 15 amps.
    • Incorporate the calculators recommendations into my initial schematic.
  • Part Selection Sub Goal – Select parts that align with my newly updated schematic, to do so I must:
    • Start with the typical application parts list and alter parts based on my updated schematics.
    • Ensure my part selections are no smaller than the 0603 footprint to allow for hand soldering to be possible without major difficulty.
  • Board Layout Design Sub Goal – Create a board layout in KiCAD that meets all necessary requirements per the manufacturers datasheet, to do so I must:
    • Create and/or reference some type of list of requirements based off the manufacturers datasheet.
    • Reference the provided recommended typical application board layout for an initial design.
    • Alter the initial typical application board layout to fit the 0603 or larger footprints and ensure that there is adequate room to hand solder.
  • Prepare For Board Manufacturing Sub Goal – Ensure everything is prepared for boards to be ordered and manufactured, to do so I must:
    • Double check all my work with my team members to ensure that all potential issues or mistakes are caught and addressed before board manufacturing.
    • Make any necessary or recommended design changes.
    • Return to my team members to double check my board again.
    • Repeat process until every team member is satisfied with the state of the board and ready for it to be put into production.

Posted Date: 09/12/2024


  • Selected the TPS548A28 as the buck converter IC of choice for our application.
  • Created the initial buck converter schematic in KiCAD based on Texas Instrument’s datasheet for the TPS548A28.

Posted Date: 09/12/2024


  • Started my first week in OSHE!
  • Started reviewing the plans for the buck converter selection

Posted Date: 08/30/2024