Caleb Jahncke’s Work Log

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  • Post last modified:October 17, 2024
  • Reading time:24 mins read
  • Post category:Work Logs

Fall 2024 Week 6


  • Researched needed components for the circuit board.
  • Adjusted PCB footprints to fit with the needed components.
  • Ordered components.
  • Added mounting holes to the PCB.
  • Added large copper zones to the current measurement IC and made the traces connected to power much larger.
  • I am close to a finished PCB design.

Next Weeks to do List

  • Make sure the traces and components can handle the amount of power that is going to be measured with the device.
  • Finish and order PCB.

Fall 2024 Week 5


  • Used schematic and footprints designed by Eric Riebe and started to experiment with different PCB designs.
  • Created a prototype model for a 3D printed enclosure.

Next Weeks to do List.

  • Add large copper zones to attach to the current section of the measurement IC.
  • Design the PCB to be as small as possible.
  • Add a method to attach the PCB to a enclosure.

Fall 2024 Week 4


  • Represented OSHE at enterprise day.
  • Finished slides for critical design review.
  • Presented at critical design review.

Next Weeks to do list

  • Use feed back from critical design review to make adjustments to our current plan and design.

Fall 2024 Week 3


  • Started to work on a slide show for critical design review.
  • Found a few different options to connect the device to mains power.

Next Weeks to do List

  • Represent Oshe at enterprise day.
  • Present at critical design review.
  • With the rest of the team test a prototype and decide the next steps to take.

Planned Process for the Device

Fall 2024 Week 2


  • Presented the progress and plans for the KeWee Energy meter during an OSHE class section.
  • Started researching options to connect to mains power through outlet prongs attached to the PCB.

Next Weeks to do List

  • Find a safe way to attach the current sensor pins to mains power.
  • Make a decision with the team on how the device will connect to mains power.

Fall 2024 Week 1


  • Met new members of KeWee Meter.
  • Started a new version of the PCB design that uses SPI instead of I2C.
  • Searched for a new AC/DC converter because the converter that was used before is no longer available.
Rough sketch of the current PCB and enclosure design.

Next Weeks to do List

  • Prepare a presentation for class on Thursday.
  • Explore new ways to connect to wall outlets
  • Finish new PCB schematic on Kicad
  • Work with Eric Riebe on designing the PCB layout to be more space efficient and easy to attach to an enclosure.

Concerns for Next Week

  • PCB design should be finished as soon as possible because shipping may take time.

Spring 2024 Week 14


  • Finished 3D model for the enclosure.

Next Weeks to do List

  • Print enclosure.
  • The PCB is ordered and should come soon, test the PCB in the enclosure.
  • Finish inventory of diodes for OSHE role.
  • Meet with Dr. Shane to review our progress.

Spring 2024 Week 13


  • Created a 3D model for an enclosure for the device.
  • Submitted the second project proposal for KeWee Energy Meter to continue next semester.
  • Worked with the team to make our methodology and characterization report.

Next Weeks to do List

  • Finalize enclosure design and print it.
  • Assemble prototype of the whole device.

Spring 2024 Week 12


  • Submitted a project proposal to continue the KeWee Power Meter project for next semester.
  • Soldered a new ACS 37800 power monitor to a through hole socket for testing.
  • Further tested the power monitor; some communication was made through I2C but not consistent data.
  • We made a social media post to represent the project.
  • As a team we made a draft for our report.
  • Attended a 3D printing learning session to learn how to use the 3D printers in the OSHE lab.

Next Weeks to do List

  • Work with Bill Matt to see the dimensions of his PCB design to start designing a 3D printed enclosure.
  • Communicate with the team and decide if we are ready to order a PCB.

Concerns for next week.

  • There are now only two weeks left before finals so we need to make some final decisions for the design very soon.

Spring 2024 Week 11


  • Ordered new sockets for the ACS 37800 power monitor.
  • Researched and ordered a fuse to use to protect the power monitor and AC/DC converter.

Next Weeks to do List

  • Work with Bill Matt to finish the PCB design and order it soon.
  • Test a new ACS 37800 power monitor with a fuse, the one we have been testing is likely malfunctioning.
  • Make a social media post for the KeWee Meter project.

Concerns for Next Week

  • PCBs can take some time to be made and shipped, we need to finish the design soon in order to receive a PCB before the semester ends.

Spring 2024 Week 10


  • Made a new prototype and did some more tests with the ACS 37800 power monitor, we were did not have any consistent results yet.
  • Looked through the power monitor data sheet to see if I was missing anything that could be causing problems.
  • Revisited I2C specifically using it with an Arduino.

Next Weeks to do List

  • Troubleshoot to find why the power monitor has not been communicating correctly with an Arduino
  • Test powering an Arduino from the 9V AC/DC converter.
  • If the power monitor works test it with an AC voltage from a function generator and then AC power from an outlet

Concerns for Next Week

  • The team is behind schedule and we need to meet more than once this week to make sure that the power monitor will work so we can move on and finish the PCB design.

Spring 2024 Week 9


  • Tested the 9 V AC/DC converter; it consistently had an output of about 9.04 V DC.
  • Me and Bill Matt started testing the ACS 37800 power monitor with a DC power supply and a spare Arduino Nano RP2040. So far we have not been able to collect voltage and current data and communicate with the Arduino.
Prototype circuit used to test the ACS 37800 power monitor.

Next Weeks to do list

  • Continue researching and testing how to use the power monitor with an Arduino through I2C.
  • If the power monitor works with DC power, test it with AC power as well.

Concerns for Next Week

  • We are now past half way of the semester and are a bit behind our timeline because our components took a long time to arrive.

Spring 2024 Week 8


  • I cleaned the OSHE lab this week.
  • I looked through the data sheets of the 9V AC/DC converter to make sure it will be safe to test with using power from a wall outlet.

Next Weeks to do list

  • Work with the team to finalize a PCB design and decide where to order a PCB from.
  • Test the 9V AC/DC converter by connecting to a wall outlet and measure the output with a multimeter. If the output is consistently 9V it I will see if it can power an Arduino nano.

Concerns for next week

  • It has been about a month since the power monitor IC was supposed to arrive we have looked at the package tracking information which said it has arrived. after communicating with customer support we should get a replacement package. Waiting for the IC to arrive has cost time and we need to start testing the other components.

Spring 2024 Week 7


  • Presented at critical design review
  • Attended enterprise day and helped to promote OSHE to other students.
  • Found and ordered a 9V AC/DC converter that is small enough to fit in the device.

Next Weeks to do list

  • Search the OSHE lab for the ordered parts that did not arrive and see if a different team grabbed them.
  • Find shipping information on the missing components.

Concerns for Next Week

  • Next week is spring break so we will not have our normal meeting on Thursday

Spring 2024 Week 6


  • I researched how to use I2C and how it is used with the ACS37800 power monitoring IC.
  • Spent more time learning how to use Kicad to design a PCB for the project.
  • Started working on a slide show for the critical design review presentation.

Next Weeks to do List

  • Test the new components and prioritize testing the ACS37800 power monitor.
  • Work with the team and make design a PCB using Kicad.
  • Present at the critical design review on Tuesday.
  • Display our work and recruit new students at enterprise day.

Spring 2024 Week 5


  • Not much was accomplished this week because I was busy during winter carnival and the team did not meet up.
  • Still waiting for the ordered parts to arrive.

Next Weeks to do List

  • Test the components to make sure they work

Spring 2024 Week 4


  • Familiarized myself with the ACS 37800 power monitor using its datasheet.
  • Researched how to communicate with the power monitor IC using I2C (inter-integrated circuit).
  • Researched methods to convert AC from a wall outlet to DC that the Arduino can use. We realized any transformer that had a 120 V primary would be to big for the power meter so instead we found a 3.3 V AC DC converter.

Next Weeks to do List

  • Test new components once they arrive.
  • Start designing a PCB that uses the new components.
  • Learn how to use the 3.3 V AC DC converter.

Concerns for Next Week

  • Next week is winter carnival so our usual meeting time will not work.
  • The components may take some time to arrive.

Spring 2024 Week 3

Team Progress

  • Created a schedule for the semester focusing on finding a way to read voltage and design the PCB first.
  • Began researching a new IC that can read voltage and current.

Personal Progress

  • I have started to learn how to use Ltspice and Kicad to design and simulate circuits and PCBs.
  • I have researched how to use fuses to protect the device from high voltage.
Sketch of the desired end product.

Next Weeks to do List

  • Continue researching the new IC and decide as a team if we should use it.
  • Begin drafting new designs based on if we chose to use the new component or not.
  • Run simulations on new schematics.