Alex Olson’s Work Log

  • Post author:
  • Post last modified:January 23, 2025
  • Reading time:17 mins read
  • Post category:Work Logs

Progress This Week:

  • Set up OSHE website account
  • Created initial plans for automatic chocolate extruder system
  • Created to-do list for next week
Preliminary Plans

To-do List for Next Week:

  • GOAL: Get the automatic extruder electrical components operational
  • Touch up on coding language for microcontroller
  • Write code to microcontroller to control stepper motor
  • Connect wiring between power supply, microcontroller, and stepper motor
  • Get stepper motor rotating on command
  • Verify power supply works with microcontroller
  • If power supply is not compatible, order buck converter

Concerns for Next Week:

  • Some time concerns, as my classes have a lot of assignments due at that time. Above goals should still be achievable.

Week 5:


  • Created code for operating a stepper motor in Arduino IDE
  • Verified that the Elegoo (cheaper version of the Arduino) works with C code written in Arduino IDE
  • Verified that a 12V power supply will work with the Elegoo
  • Reworked the design of the stepper motor mount and rack & pinion system to be more stable and easier to install


  • Ordered parts did not arrive this week, so physically setting up the stepper motor was not possible

To-do list for next week:

  • GOAL: Get the automatic extruder electrical components operational
  • Connect wiring between power supply, microcontroller, and stepper motor
  • Get stepper motor rotating on command

Concerns for next week:

  • The parts are taking longer than expected to arrive

Week 6:


  • Fixed some syntax problems in Arduino code
  • Wired Arduino to a stepper driver and stepper motor (using temporary parts found in lab)
  • Tested function of stepper motor– it works as expected (constant rotation in one direction)

To-do list for next week:

  • GOAL: Create more complex functions for stepper motor
  • Add limit switch to the stepper motor circuit
  • Add an activation button to the stepper motor circuit
  • Code the stepper to move in two directions instead of just one
  • Code the stepper to move a set distance on activation button press, and a set distance in the opposite direction when the limit switch is pressed


  • Parts have still not arrived. I used available lab parts to make a temporary solution.

Concerns for next week:

  • I’m concerned that the parts might still not arrive.

Week 7:


  • Created code to reverse stepper motor rotation when limit switch is pressed
  • Created code to move stepper motor a specified distance when the activation button is pressed
  • Added limit switch and activation button to the circuit

To-do list for next week:

  • Add another stepper motor, limit switch, and button to have 2 functioning steppers
  • Edit the code to make the second stepper operational
  • Create PowerPoint and perform Critical Design Review

Concerns for next week:

  • None as of right now

Week 8:


  • Created code for running two stepper motors (have not been physically added yet)
  • Presented at Critical Design Review

To-do list for the week after break:

  • Get the second stepper motor wired up
  • Start looking into designs for mounting the stepper motors to the frame

Concerns for that week:

  • While I have verified that the power supply supplies 12V, I am not sure if it also supplies 5V for the electronics.

Week 9:


  • Obtained the Elegoo and a driver board that holds multiple drivers

To-do list for next week:

  • Figure out which pins on the driver board correspond to which pins on the Elegoo and change the programming accordingly
  • Replace the test Arduino and stepper hardware with the new Elegoo hardware
  • Create a project overview


  • Some time concerns due to the workload from other classes

Week 10:


  • Figured out which pins on the driver board correspond to the Elegoo pins
  • Connected two stepper motors to driver board and got them operational

To-do list for next week:

  • Measure the amount of chocolate in mL is needed to fill a mold
  • Determine the distance the plunger needs to travel to extrude that amount of chocolate and calculate the number of steps it would take in the code
  • Edit the code to have the motors turn that distance upon button press


  • The silicone molds are taking longer than expected to get back, may need to decide as a group whether we want to order them from a different source if it’s looking like they won’t come in time
  • There is not a clear way to add inputs onto the driver board (aka limit switch and activation button), it may be necessary to make my own circuit on perf board

Week 11:


  • Burned out a stepper driver and fixed it afterwards
  • Gathered components to move circuit to a soldered perf board
  • Decided on circuit dimensions so Dylan can print the casing

To-do list for next week:

  • Still need to measure mL needed to fill chocolate mold (and edit the code to reflect that)
  • Move the circuit to perf board (more permanent and secure and can take inputs)


  • Can’t measure the mL the steppers need to extrude until the device is back from Seth’s house and the molds are done

Week 12:

  • Moved code to an Arduino Nano to reduce circuit footprint
  • Soldered circuit onto perf board
  • Troubleshooted circuit for quite some time (first stepper is now operational)
  • Helped with project report draft

To-Do list for next week:

  • Solder the second stepper driver onto the perf board
  • Get the second stepper operational on perf board (will likely involve troubleshooting)


  • End of semester is getting close, finishing on time should be possible but will be tight

Week 13:


  • Second stepper driver circuit soldered to perf board, still need to solder a few more connections to the Arduino so it’s not quite testable yet
  • Scheduled project check-off time with team
  • Improved Characterization and Methodology sections of final report
  • Identified a potential problem with powering servos for mix-ins device: 5V pin on the Arduino can’t supply enough current to drive a servo and the power supply is 12V, which also can’t be used for the servos
  • 5V wall plug-in sourced from the lab to potentially provide current for the servos

To-Do list for next week:

  • Finish the last few connections on the second driver
  • Test second driver for functionality
  • Work with Seth to integrate electrical with mechanical
  • Create code for servos
  • Test the functionality of the 5V wall plug-in for the servos


  • Next week will be a time crunch
  • Perf board is getting quite full of wires, it may be difficult to solder all the connections needed

BREAD Bioreactor

Week 2:


  • Set up meeting times with group members
  • Connected with Canadian project members to get up to speed on what was done previously
  • Contacted sponsor to obtain project information and project wishlist

To-do list for next week:

  • Research electronic pressure sensors and methods of electronic pressure control
  • Look over code to learn how BREAD system works
  • Research components needed to produce a new slice


  • None for now

Week 3:


  • Researched electronic pressure gauge options and prices
  • Researched E-stop and DC-powered buzzer options and prices
  • Researched pressure control options
  • Contacted stakeholder for information on the function of the bioreactor
  • Installed Ki CAD for future circuit design

To-do list for next week:

  • Contact stakeholder for information on current pressure control capabilities (does it interface with electronics, or does it use manual pressure release valves?) and verification that our plans fulfill their needs
  • Decide on the best options for parts
  • Order parts if possible


  • Off-the-shelf pressure control methods are looking quite expensive from a brief look online, expensive parts might not fit the open source criteria