Luc Prisby’s Work Log

  • Post author:
  • Post last modified:October 15, 2024
  • Reading time:7 mins read
  • Post category:Work Logs

1/23/24 Meeting

  • Researched into microphones, analog microphone types with frequency ranges from 20Hz-20kHz
  • Researched into pi cameras
  • Procured an itemized list of components to purchase.

1/30/24 Meeting

  • Waiting on hardware to ship in
  • Discuss software to use when programming the pi
  • Learn audacity, uses Nyquist, an audio based programming language. There is a scripting plugin to use python, any time delay?
  • Open CV writes in python. Use for the pi camera. Has future potential when integrating a User Interface.
  • Compute audio processing and image processing in parallel?

2/6/24 Meeting

  • Looked through redlines of IPS document and weighed the functional requirement tasks.
  • Removed z axis sound origin detection from our functional requirements for this semester.
  • Began to upload the pi software to our pi board.
  • Developed contingency plans in the instance our other parts don’t arrive soon.

3/5/24 Meeting

  • Parts came in the mail.
  • Ordered an Analog to digital converter and an I2C bus.
  • Will need to create PCB’s for the mems microphones. Using KiCad do complete this.

3/12/24 Meeting

  • Created PCB’s for out mems microphones and had them printed out.
  • Discussed further steps on integrating camera and other software updates.

3/19/24 Meeting

  • Met in the PLEXUS lab to solder mems mic to circuit board.
  • Have been working on integrating a voltage regulator onto a circuit board with the I2C and ADC.
  • Will also have to integrate opamps onto circuit board to increase gain of mems mic signal.

3/26/2024 Meeting

  • designed a main circuit board to cad and print, the main board will include a 5v regulator, ADC and I2C.
  • Will need to create new boards for mems mics that include a gain opamp, a 2v regulator, a bandpass filter, and the mems mics.
  • went through and ordered the necessary parts to produce this product.

4/5/2024 Meeting

  • Spent all day in the plexus lab soldering the new board for our glasses.
  • Up next is data collection and analysis of the new board.
  • need to integrate software with the boards after collection of data.


  • Been simulating different circuits to understand the best way to approach the amplification of the signal
  • Working on the math to achieve the desired gain of the signal using the circuit we already have implemented.
  • Next is to research pcb components that are more user friendly to attach to the circuit board.


  • Decided on components to board for analog circuit. Parts have been placed on order.
  • Work on the KiCad model of the analog circuit board that will integrate the newly discussed ESP32.
  • Next is to design PCB’s and breadboard components once they arrive.


  • Parts for breadboarding have arrived today. Analog circuit breadboard has been built and given to programmers to test.
  • Up next is to finish designing the analog PCB’s in KiCad then the team will decide whether the project will remain analog or transition to digital.


  • Been awhile since an update
  • Deciding to go to a digital circuit microphone board.
  • Looking into batteries for the glasses.
  • Over break will develop pcbs for the selected camera. ESP32 S3 EYE.