1/23/24 Meeting
- Researched into microphones, analog microphone types with frequency ranges from 20Hz-20kHz
- Researched into pi cameras
- Procured an itemized list of components to purchase.

1/30/24 Meeting
- Waiting on hardware to ship in
- Discuss software to use when programming the pi
- Learn audacity, uses Nyquist, an audio based programming language. There is a scripting plugin to use python, any time delay?
- Open CV writes in python. Use for the pi camera. Has future potential when integrating a User Interface.
- Compute audio processing and image processing in parallel?
2/6/24 Meeting
- Looked through redlines of IPS document and weighed the functional requirement tasks.
- Removed z axis sound origin detection from our functional requirements for this semester.
- Began to upload the pi software to our pi board.
- Developed contingency plans in the instance our other parts don’t arrive soon.
3/5/24 Meeting
- Parts came in the mail.
- Ordered an Analog to digital converter and an I2C bus.
- Will need to create PCB’s for the mems microphones. Using KiCad do complete this.
3/12/24 Meeting
- Created PCB’s for out mems microphones and had them printed out.
- Discussed further steps on integrating camera and other software updates.
3/19/24 Meeting
- Met in the PLEXUS lab to solder mems mic to circuit board.
- Have been working on integrating a voltage regulator onto a circuit board with the I2C and ADC.
- Will also have to integrate opamps onto circuit board to increase gain of mems mic signal.
3/26/2024 Meeting
- designed a main circuit board to cad and print, the main board will include a 5v regulator, ADC and I2C.
- Will need to create new boards for mems mics that include a gain opamp, a 2v regulator, a bandpass filter, and the mems mics.
- went through and ordered the necessary parts to produce this product.
4/5/2024 Meeting
- Spent all day in the plexus lab soldering the new board for our glasses.
- Up next is data collection and analysis of the new board.
- need to integrate software with the boards after collection of data.
- Been simulating different circuits to understand the best way to approach the amplification of the signal
- Working on the math to achieve the desired gain of the signal using the circuit we already have implemented.
- Next is to research pcb components that are more user friendly to attach to the circuit board.
- Decided on components to board for analog circuit. Parts have been placed on order.
- Work on the KiCad model of the analog circuit board that will integrate the newly discussed ESP32.
- Next is to design PCB’s and breadboard components once they arrive.
- Parts for breadboarding have arrived today. Analog circuit breadboard has been built and given to programmers to test.
- Up next is to finish designing the analog PCB’s in KiCad then the team will decide whether the project will remain analog or transition to digital.
- Been awhile since an update
- Deciding to go to a digital circuit microphone board.
- Looking into batteries for the glasses.
- Over break will develop pcbs for the selected camera. ESP32 S3 EYE.
- I have changed projects to Digital Multimeter for my capstone semesters. The goal is to create a digital multimeter for hobbyists and educational purposes. I will be focusing on the dial mechanism and power supply for the multimeter. I will also be assisting with programming the IC as well.
- Coordinated with Peter on voltage regulation, IC selection, and Battery for power supply and charging feature. Selected to use the HXJNLDC Battery for its slim and compact design and its 3.7V output.
- Coordinating with Ethan on designing the dial and the case to support the multimeters components.
- Collaborating with Ethan on how we want to connect to the different circuits’ switching modes. Plan to have a meeting with him to finalize the decision.
- Will be looking into how contact rings on the pcb can change what circuit will be used and how it will communicate with the IC.