James Burke’s Work Log

  • Post author:
  • Post last modified:September 13, 2024
  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post category:Work Logs

OSHE Week 3 Update

To Do List

  • Begin developing ideas and designs for vacuum chamber and safety measures
    • Research vacuum chamber functionality and component requirements
    • Review current E-STOP for Recyclebot
    • Research examples of E-STOPs for redesign
    • Continue creating BOM
    • Discuss with team current designs for the main units and potential hazards with the design
      • Research safety precautions for discussed hazards
    • Research how filament is currently manufacture to compare to Recyclebot
      • Specifically how filament is cooled and wound onto spools
    • Construct drawings and schematics for vacuum chamber
    • Acquire certification for soldering in OSHE Lab

Concerns for Next Week

  • Finding time to discuss with full team about plans moving forward
  • Breaking the vacuum unit into different components to be discussed

My Sketch of Recyclebot Design