Ian Pardee’s Work Log

  • Post author:
  • Post last modified:February 16, 2025
  • Reading time:13 mins read
  • Post category:Work Logs

2/16/2025 Update

  • Last week, we had CDR. As it turns out, analog is ridiculously hard to work on at scale compared to all digital. As a result of this, and bad data from testing, we decided to ditch it.
  • We’ve redone the entire setup for DSP instead of an analog/digital hybrid.
  • Now, with the existence of a Git repo for the codebase, we’re going to set it up for the code and the PCB design. This needs to be done in order to sync up collaboration between team members.
  • Todo: week of 2/16/2025
    • Sync up PCB design file with new setup
    • Review current code base given the new DSP hat exists

2/4/2025 Update

  • Parts have arrived from our latest order. We still need to go in and properly test the upgrades/changes made to the filter.
  • New parts have arrived, so we’ll have to test those on the envelope chip in order to get this set up.
  • Todo: 2/4/2025
    • Create initial PCB design file with KiCAD
    • Set up designs for testing the AS3320 filter chips

1/26/2025 Update

  • In the middle of last week’s meeting, we found a bag from Portugal full of AS3320 filter chips…we ordered it back in November and it came over break. We’ll have to test that very quickly. No real updates other than that.
  • Only concern at the moment is not having enough breadboards to work on the project with. Hopefully (hopefully) we have enough on hand. Otherwise, we can order more but it’ll be very annoying to work through.
  • More parts were ordered on Friday 1/24, including parts necessary for testing an alternative envelope generator IC.
  • TODO: 1/26/2025
    • Same as 1/23/2025, no major updates since 3 days ago

1/23/2025 Update

  • After meeting with the team last week on 1/16/2025, we’ve set goals for the coming semester.
    • Teensy 4.1 being used is awesome, and there’s lots of progress that’s been made on the synth itself. However, more work needs to be done on the envelope generation.
    • The envelope generator/ADSR control needs to be troubleshot or modified to get it to work with a hardware envelope generator and VCA.
      • In the event this can’t be fixed, the Envelope IC and VCA might be scrapped in favor of a Digitally controlled envelope, but this remains to be seen.
  • TODO: 1/23/2025
    • Research filter designs with user controllability, generate parameters for control.
    • Find (stable) output amplifier designs usable for the project
    • Create initial file for PCB design on KiCAD
      • Just to start the process, this will not be used entirely for the final design.

Below is a rough idea of what the full system might look like at the end of the semester.

10/13/2024 Update

  • After meeting with the team on 10/8/2024, we discovered the code was in fact the problem
    • The Arduino Mega used for testing this circuit was not playing nice with the MIDI library used in the original code.
    • The issue arose from how the original code attempted to decode MIDI note data incoming via serial. A different working library was implemented instead, and the note data was subsequently decoded correctly.
  • TODO: 10/13/2024
    • Look at code structure for MIDI input processing and note generation, investigate how to merge these together.
    • Investigate if a microcontroller isn’t enough to properly run all this code simultaneously and with a low enough latency.
      • I have a personal concern that the microcontroller wouldn’t be able to efficiently run all this code, especially if trying to read in MIDI note data while simultaneously generating another waveform. This could be especially apparent in a multi-voice MIDI implementation (multiple notes at once).

10/6/2024 Update

  • Put together initial attempt for MIDI circuit on 10/2/2024
    • Using an Arduino Mega, I was able to confirm that MIDI input was reaching the microcontroller, but it needs code changes to work
    • Shown below: First attempt at wiring up the MIDI input
  • TODO: 10/6/2024
    • Investigate code and circuit configuration, see if something is up with serial capture

9/29/2024 Update

  • Met with Synthesizer team on 9/28/2024
    • Prepared CDR Documentation
    • Parts arrived, started putting together larger schematic of the Synth
    • With the other parts of the circuitry, I’ve started to think about how many Op-amp IC’s will be needed to filter power for the other IC’s

TODO 9/29/2024

  • Calculate how many op-amps and resistors will be needed for power filtering going to IC’s
  • Create schematic for routing of filtering circuitry and signal paths to and from Microcontroller

9/21/2024 Update

  • Met with Synthesizer team on 9/14/2024
    • Successfully generated square wave using Arduino
    • Put together initial part list for MIDI input port integration with microcontroller
    • Ordered parts for MIDI port integration, also ordered filter chip
    • Decided to experiment with Teensy unit, due to clock speed limitations of Arduino
      • A higher clock speed is necessary to make timer interrupts work for waveform generation, specifically for higher note frequencies. This is likely not the smartest method of waveform generation.
  • Parts ordered:
    • Low-pass filter IC, CEM3320
    • MIDI conector
    • Various resistors
    • 1x Diode
    • 1x 6N138 Optocoupler
  • Accomplishments from last week:
    • GitHub libraries under GPL are plentiful for MIDI generation with C on Arduino and other microcontrollers.
    • Limits of Arduino waveform generation were found, and we are currently experimenting with a Teensy microcontroller.
  • Upcoming To-Do list:
    • Experiment with Arduino vs Teensy, explore limitations with Teensy onboard DAC
      • Research readily available and compatible DAC chips, as onboard Teensy DAC doesn’t seem to like going above ~40 Hz when generating waves
      • Could also be a bug in the code, needs to be investigated further
    • Modify schematics used for MIDI port and Arduino integration for use with Teensy or Arduino for testing
      • Since both boards are available for testing, we should explore using either for flexibility reasons
    • Research alternative waveform generation methods in code.
      • E.g., something that doesn’t involve the use of timer interrupts
    • Look into code repo under OSHE for centralized storage/management of source code.

9/13/2024 Work Log

  • TODO
    • Do more research on MIDI libraries for Arduino.
    • Research Arduino output maximums
    • Research amplifiers based on signal specifications
    • Get together with team for continued brainstorming and design work

Above image: Rough Sketch of what the Synthesizer (may) look like at the end of the semester.