To do List:
- Design a PCB for the mountable scanner. The PCB will replace the breadboard circuit that is currently powering the scanner. It will be done using KiCad, which I have never used before, so I will have to get comfortable with the software first.
- Once the PCB is completed I can begin work on the 3D case for the mountable scanner. The case will hold the scanner along with the newly designed PCB. I’ll need to learn how to use the 3D printers and also decide what 3D modeling software I will use for this.
I have no concerns about the project so far.
Sketch of finished project
To Do List:
- Still working on designing PCB in KiCad, the software is complicated so it will take some time to learn.
- Some measurements need to be taken of the components that need to go on the PCB
- The batteries also need to be added to the PCB design once they are picked out
One concern that I have it that most of our team are first years in enterprise, so it might be difficult to get some of the more difficult design goals complete.
To Do List:
- Still working on designing PCB in KiCad, I was under the weather last week so I was unable to make much progress.
- Some measurements need to be taken of the components that need to go on the PCB
- The batteries also need to be added to the PCB design once they are picked out
- CDR is coming up so we will need to prepare for that.
I am a little worried about CDR I feel like we haven’t made much progress yet.
Diagram of operation