
To Do in the coming week:
- Research – 1.1 different types of cooling units, 1.2 which method will work best for lease amount of money, 1.3 finding easily accessible and cheap parts
- Understand how everything will work together – 2.1 spend time in lab figuring how the machine works and will work in the future, 2.2 Asking more questions to better understanding
- not being able to find affordable options for the cooling unit
In the last week i was able to find pc fans that we are going to use, as well as the ability to use potentiometers to control the fans. none of the items from last week need to be moved to this week.
TO DO in the coming week:
- meet with the sponsors in an in person meeting
- purchase/ wait for parts to arrive to start building the cooling unit.
- finding a potentiometer that is most efficient and cost effective
- waiting game for parts to be delivered

in the past week i was able to find possible ways to connect the cooling unit to the frame of recyclebot, and how to connect the fans to each other.
TO DO in coming week:
- print the connectors for the cooling unit
- get the cooling unit build- when the parts come in
- the parts dont come this week

- meeting with James Lovell to get the information about what to expect with project
- getting caught up from this meeting – cant attend due to class conflict
- start researching what project/roles require
- develop plan on how to complete the things in the project spec
- Time – playing catch up from late start
still need to get caught up on meeting with James, was able to start research and figured out what the rest of the team had in mind for the project
- meet with team to begin working on project
- looking into the parts we have and still need to get
no concerns

in the past week i have done some more research into the the things that will need to be done and how we can get them completed
- plan what i need to do to finish the goals assigned to me
No concerns
in the last week i was able to get together with everyone and prepare for the CDR, and continued research into how things need to get done
in the next week i plan to help riley and Robert with the things they need
time is a concern being the first and last semester for the project

the past week was spring break, so i took a break and did not do work
in the coming week i plan on at least starting on designing a case for the camera using NX
I currently have no concerns about this week
I began working on the 3D model of the case for the camera
in the next week I will hopefully have the 3D model finished
i currently don’t have concerns for the next week