To Do:
- Decide on input and output for each module in design with team
- Continue envelope research, create first rough sketch of amplitude envelope circuit
- Test out arduino input and output, decide on what will be digital/analog with team
- research and decide on a direction to go with the DAC
Last week the team got together and did some testing with an Arduino, figuring out how to use the timer interrupt and output a square wave onto the oscilloscope. We then decided to go with a Teensy rather than Arduino as the clock speed will fit our needs better. We ordered parts and managed to get an output from the Teensy using the built in DAC. It looks like we will still be using a separate DAC for performance purposes. I have been researching an envelope IC and how the envelope circuit will be integrated with everything else we have set up. This week I will be
- Working on the envelope schematic, specifically trying to understand better what parameters with IC needs and what it can do.
- test how the envelope will be controlled and how the input is translated into the circuit.
- Work on the CDR presentation
My concerns currently are mainly that it is hard to break up parts of the project to work on in parallel in the team as everything is so dependent on each part.
Yesterday I updated our teams block diagram, illustrating changes to our design and added more specific information based on component decisions we have made.
I have been working on getting a circuit design put together with the Envelope IC we have decided on using. So far I have the 3 of the input parameters set up, Attack, Decay, and Release. These 3 Parameters all will be controlled with potentiometers that will be given -5 volts, followed by a voltage divider that steps that down to the 0 to -240mV that these parameters need to input into the IC. This week I will be working on the sustain parameter as that is a bit more complicated as it needs to be based both on a potentiometer but also the gate of the note.