Gavin Langenfeld’s Work Log

  • Post author:
  • Post last modified:February 17, 2025
  • Reading time:4 mins read
  • Post category:Work Logs


To do List:

  1. Learn how to program the Nucleo development board
  2. Program the board to read SD cards
  3. Program something onto and SD card for the Nucleo to read
  4. order needed parts

I am concerned about finishing the project on time as we are expected to finish the project this semester.

Sketch of finished project


To do List:

  1. Learn how to program the Nucleo development board
  2. Program the board to read SD cards
  3. Program something onto and SD card for the Nucleo to read

We got all the parts ordered last week but we haven’t been able too do much until the board shows up.


To do List:

  1. Learn how to program the Nucleo development board
  2. Program the board to read SD cards
  3. Program something onto and SD card for the Nucleo to read

I haven’t been able to work on the project much this week due to proto dash.

State diagram


To do List:

  1. Program board to connect to VGA
  2. Program board to connect to the controller
  3. Program board to use assets from SD card

CDR went well, we also learned that the games themselves wont be programed on the SD card but on the board itself. This will make the project much easier.