Week of 2/10
This week, I presented the BREAD Bios CDR and created a good code baseline for Autotune PID.
This week, my tasks will be:
- Work with Daniel on PID
- Start working on testing the breadboard circuit
- Modify PCB design
Week of 2/3
This week I focused on ordering the items for the Pressure slice. We placed an order and worked on the CDR Presentation for the project. We also found the PCB schematics to base ours off of.
This week, my tasks will be:
- Present CDR
- Line up a meeting with Daniel about PID tuning
- Work the pressure slice once items are in
I am still concerned about how complex Autotune PID will be.
Week of 1/20

I was able to research more about the pressure sensor we might want to install into the bioreactor. I met with Daniel to look at the Chemical Engineering bioreactor HMI and took notes on what we might want. Also this week I worked with the PID team in building a list of key goals and also worked on the presentation for the OSHE weekly meeting.
Next week, my tasks will be:
- Starting a Gantt chart for the PID team
- Selecting a pressure sensor for the new slice
- Talking with the sponsor on electrical valve solutions
- I am rescheduling my meeting with Stephen to talk about project specs and get pictures of the bioreactor
I am concerned about getting a timely response from Stephen and picking the correct pressure sensor we need
Week of 1/13
- Started research on BREAD documents and the current Bioreactor system
- Started research on pressure sensors