Nevaeh Mellon’s Work Log

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  • Post last modified:January 22, 2025
  • Reading time:12 mins read
  • Post category:Work Logs

Sky Shepard Tech (B.A.D) – Fall 2024

Reflection on Week of 9/15/2024

Over the past week, I went back through the code prior to it being reworked and began researching methodologies in which to test the audio range of a Sky Shepherd Tech/B.A.D unit in both a wooded and field-like environment. Unfortunately, I found it difficult to find pertinent papers and thus will continue reseach- focusing on finding papers or scientific articles to back methodologies. We also are planning on doing in field testing this week. This was consequently delayed due to a lack of research.

To-Do List for the Week of 9/22/2024

  • Familiarize myself with the PCB Mill
    • Read documentation from last semesters members
    • Brain storm ideas of possible solutions to the goals presented for the semester
    • Research PCB mills that are currently being produced. Find any key differences/similarities between an off the shelf PCB mill and ours.
    • Take measurements of PCB Mill as it exists (may draw out some sketches)
    • Try and establish a line of communication with the other OSHE member assigned to PCB Mill
  • Research more for audio range testing. General ideas for testing follows but want to find academic sources to show testing is effective
    • May use a visual graph of the sound waves to test how far away one has to walk from an operating B.A.D unit until the control sound wave (the sound wave of environment without active unit) is reached. Taking a video of this process (of the sound wave) may be useful in determining where exactly soundwave hit its desired shape.
    • A qualitative approach to testing would be to have a few people (members of B.A.D and perhaps volunteers) to walk away from the noise source- the running Sky Shepherd Tech Unit- until the noise is no longer audible. This distance would then be numerically recorded to establish range.
    • Choose between tests or do both. Use of both a wooded environment and a open, flat (field- like) environment is key as ranges will differ due to surrounding objects.

Concerns for the Week of 9/22/2024

  • Concerned there will not be enough viable time during the week to do in field testing of B.A.D unit as career fair and coming exams are busying schedules.
  • I have never worked on a PCB mill or used a PCB mill.

Resources Found for B.A.D Testing

  • Spatial resolution limits for the localization of noise sources using direct sound mapping by Fernandez Comesaña, Holland, and Fernandez-Grande
  • Comparison of 2D and 3D scanning solutions for sound visualization by Fanyu, Fernandez Comesaña, Steltenpool, and Upegui Florez
  • gives libraries and software that may be useful (ex. Audacity)

Reflection on Week of 9/22/2024

The main goal of the past week was to finish researching testing methods for analysing the range of the audio output from a Sky Shepard Tech unit. Testing was completed to develop a better understanding of the audible range for a single unit in a wide open space similar to where a unit would be implemented in field (largely glass front bulding near a nature trail and waterfront). Research and measurments for the PCB Mill project was started as well.

To-Do List for the Week of 9/29/2024

  • Finish preparing for CDR on Thursday (10/03/2024)
    • Work on slideshow presentation for 15 min. time slot
    • At weekly group meeting, divvy out topics/ figure out who will present what information and how
  • Start creating instructions for how to use a unit
    • Determine what media form would be the most effective or if several forms is best
      • EX) A video to show where buttons are paired with a step-by-step instructions in lid
    • Create a written set of needed instructions for user reference
      • Determine if this should include extensive information such as how to upload more audio profiles and/or other more backend operations
    • Put instructions into determined media form
      • Make sure that the instructions are visually pleasing and easy to follow
      • Highlight key things in instructions and perhaps make a seperate more in detail reference sheet
    • If deemed necessary, test the quality of the instructions by having a volunteer use them to start unit
  • Continue research for PCB Mill
    • Maybe talk to Professor Middlebrook about any key issues experienced in PCB Milling
  • Determine the thickness of substrate that will be used in the PCB Mill
    • Increased substrate thickness creates issues with drilling at times
  • Get in contact with other OSHE member on PCB Mill
    • See what their ideas are looking like

Concerns for Week of 9/29/2024

  • Extremely busy week on my end as I have several exams

States of Sky Shepard Tech Unit

  • Off
    • Clock still running and maintaining correct time when turned on
  • Standby
    • All aspects of previous states apply to standby state
    • On; Power to components including display screen
    • No audios being played
    • Number pad is usable; time can be altered, selection of audio file is possible, etc.
  • Running
    • Number pad is usable
    • On; power to components
    • Clock is running and maintains correct time if turned off
    • Sound is actively being output from speakers or is waiting to be triggered

ARMcade – Spring 2025

Week of 1/19-1/25 To-Do List

  • Finish/get almost done with 3D print file for housing
  • If file is done, print it out
  • If printed, map out places for components
  • Research more on our chosen buzzer
  • Do some more research into outputting audio with the microcontroller (which pin is preferred to output)
  • Wire speaker in breadboard to test w NUCLEO if components come in by end of week
  • Start B.O.M

Concerns for Week of 1/19-1/25

  • Never used OnShape before so thats a bit of a learning curve
  • Wall thickness may not be big enough to contain a push down push release button
  • I have very minimal audio output experience other than minimal lab work